We have decided to use a mixture of different coloured balloons in order to show the confusion within the clowns character and therefore it isn't settled within a connotation and instead spreads over the a vast majority of them instead. We thought that the idea of YELLOW and GREEN possibly being the stand out colours along with RED would connote the idea of a prominent child like figure, with an element of consumption and danger all combined within the characters. There would be less of the other colours however they would be there in order to show that vast colour contrast within the cluster of balloons which the clown is holding.
The balloons will be Helium to enable them to float within the tunnel and also when Lily is holding them outside. This then poses the problem that if it is windy then the balloons will not stay still and this is a problem which would have to be addressed when on location and also planning in advance what day would be most suitable for us to film with the balloons depending on the weather. When inside the tunnel, the problem is making sure that they float and don't pop on the ceiling and also don't cause any problems for passers by.
We will attach ribbons to the balloons in order to make them more fairground like and therefore the ribbons could be black as although they may not stand out as much outside, once inside they will stand out more against the camera and also connote the idea that the clown is a threat primarily but coming from the threat are many other aspects about the character that the audience may not at first understand.
The main idea with the balloons though is to be a tension building bread crumb for the audience to notice before the protagonist notices it.
Examples of our balloons below:
Examples of our balloons below:
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