Sunday, 10 February 2013

Music Part 2

Drums Music Part 2

In order to make the Drums better I decided to make the drums go a little bit faster in order to fit the pace of the video for the credits which is really quick and therefore so did the music that played over the top in the background. I also made the bass a bit deeper in order to make it sound darker to the viewer. I feel as though this is a much better version of the one before because this time it conforms much more to what we have actually created within the clip that this piece of music will go with. I put it with a piece of rough earlier footage and then made it go faster and therefore this means that you can see it with a piece of video that will be the actual speed. 

I changed the speed of the clip up to around a 100 and therefore this means that the piece of music will play a 100 times faster than it did before. I did try 120 however this distorted the music too much and made it sound silly in playback and therefore I tried a little lower and it sounded much better. In changing the speed it makes it sound much more effective when put with the clips and will work better with the piece of footage which it will be overlaid with making the entire credits look and sound good. 

In order to make the drum sound have more bass I changed the pitch of the music and made it of a lower pitch and therefore this made the sound much more deeper than before. I clicked on the bass to make it lower but did move any of the sliders as I didn't want the bass too low otherwise the sound wouldn't be recognisable and would merge into one long piece of bass music without the changing of the beat and tune. 

Flute Music Part 2

I decided to also change this one as I liked it however it didn't sound scary enough and therefore I decided that perhaps making it slower would change the effect that it had on the tune. However I really like the tune as it had that carnival effect of the different pitches and the disorientation that came with it that the flutes created. This meant that I didn't want to do a lot to it as I wanted to maintain the effect which I had but make it more scary for the viewer and fit in with part of the clip later on. I also altered the video that was overlaid with it by making it much slower and therefore this meant that the tune fits in with what could be on in the background however the clip may be a little bit faster. 

This is the only effect which I changed with this one because I thought that it would just need to go slower rather than making it too overcomplicated and therefore I just made it slightly slower than taking it to an extreme. I also tried a fade in however that didn't enhance it and therefore I decided to remove it in order to make it better. Overall I feel that by adding this effect it has made the piece of music better because it sounds more haunting and scary rather than being a strange tune put over the top of a video which didn't initially fit it. 

I didn't do anything thing to the third tune as I didn't like it at all and found it annoying and therefore I decided not to develop that any further because it wasn't going to be used.

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