Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Supernatural Horror (Pros and Cons)

Advantages to making a supernatural horror film opening:
  • Within a supernatural horror (for example, paranormal activity) the cause of evil and anxiety and death is not always seen and can be shown using a movement of object or other simple low-budget effects. This would make it beneficial for us creating a film opening as it allows us to create an eerie atmosphere and show what is to be feared without a large amount of funding needed or the possibility of our lack of resources being obvious (e.g. it would be more difficult to make slasher killings look realistic in opposition to a demonic force or possession).
  • Loud, sudden noises are used as a device within supernatural horrors to cause fear and are easily re-creatable without high-tech equipment and can be as simple as dropping a book onto a concrete floor, which would be useful for us as we would be able to achieve our desired effects without large complication.
  • In terms of lighting, a supernatural horror would conventionally be filmed within dark location and late at night, allowing us to use natural light setting throughout the majority of the scene, allowing the amount of artificial light needed to be limited if we chose.
  • Although the supernatural/demonic aspects of the genre are far from ordinary, the basis of a film of this category is that it is set in modern reality to appear more frightening to the audience and appeal more to their own fears and perceptions of the dangers they could face. This would enable us to effectively achieve the location and time set of the film with ease, without having to use elaborate costume or setting of another time period or a fantasy world if we chose to.
Disadvantages to making a supernatural horror film opening:
  • As opposed to some other sub-genres of horror, supernatural is based largely upon the importance of a well-thought out, quality storyline which would be difficult for us to come up with and also show within the first few minutes of the piece.
  • If possession is chosen or supernatural human power, it can be difficult to imitate without a high standard of actor and therefore the scene may not achieve the intended effect and may appear to be overtly amateur.
  • Supernatural horror is very popular currently and it would be difficult to make the piece original with so many current films of the sub-genre being produced within the last decade.

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