Monday, 18 March 2013

Question 2 and 3

Question 2:
Gender was the main focus in terms of area of representation within our piece as we chose to have a female antagonist and a male victim to subvert audience expectations of victim and killer.

To emphasise this gender division, we chose in terms of costume that although the clown should be heavily made up and in costume, she would wear her hair down and long to feminise the threat.
We also chose to have our costume entirely covering our antagonist's body as not to sexualise her and confuse any specific stereotypical gender identity.

However, we also chose to select our victim as a teenager, partly due to the availability and ease to find an actor but mainly due the the fact that the age relates to our target audience increasing the fear factor.

In terms of the CCTV filming, the clown is shot during the murder facing the audience allowing a more fearsome reaction due to the clown challenging the camera as it comes closer between shots, again subverting female expectations as it shows her strength and confidence as opposed to the expected weakness and vulnerability.

The power of the female in comparison to male is also again emphasised within the shots and editing used for the montage sequence as whenever shot together after the killing, the victim is on the floor whereas the clown is upstanding, structuring the power balance with her in control as an unexpected threat. This diminishes any barrier as a weaker female expected to be seen as a possibly caring and nurturing gender as no emotion is displayed apart from the sinister smile on her face throughout.

Question 3:
When choosing our production company, I researched a number of various companies and finally chose to produce ours as a Ghost House Pictures project.

Ghost House Pictures have produced widely popular horror films targetted at teenagers and young adult horror fans such as the Possession and The Grudge.

Originally, I had difficulty making a decision between using Ghost House or another company largely dealing in Horror, Twisted pictures.

Although their main focus is primarily of our sub-genre, their plots often include possession which although I researched into it as a possibility, we chose not to use. (POSSESSION BLOG POST) Not including this feature within our plot therefore makes the Ghost House company not entirely suitable.

Other companies researched have previously deal with high successful supernatural projects, such as Hammer (Woman in Black) and Twisted Pictures (Dead Silence) but do not have a distinctive direction towards the sub-genre.

I resulted in making my decision due to Ghost House's suitability as an experienced producer of the supernatural horror genre and their superiority in comparison to the other options researched.

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