Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Question 1: Script.

After viewing a range of different movies in the Horror  sub- genre of Supernatural (*see few deconstructions, Paranormal Activity & Supernatural*) we created a list of Pros and Cons for creating a supernatural horror ( *See Pro's and Cons Page*).  Our media product conforms and subverts the conventions of a Supernatural horror in many ways:

  • In horror movies alone: there is usually a death in the first scene, which we have conformed to in our media product, to immerse the audience into the opening, and clearly state the genre.
  • The death is not shown in full, which is common in Supernatural movies, as we didn't want to include a gore element, which is present in other sub genre's.
  • The costume and make up conformed to that of a supernatural film, due to the alienation of the antagonist, which allowed the audience to pick up on the genre. 
  • The location of our media product was chosen ( *see blog post about location*) due to it conforming to the location of a horror, as it was empty and deserted, with a idea of the protagonist feeling trapped within the location, with no way of escape, helped by the parallel lines within the tunnel, that will never meet, indicating he will never meet his way of escape. 
  • In supernatural films that I have seen, the victims are mostly picked at random, and have no connection to the supernatural entity, which I thought was a propitious decision, to conform with the conventions of a supernatural horror, but also to show that the threat is imminent and could happen to anyone. 

Although as it was in modern reality and in a place where people could ordinarily walk through, this showed our subversion, as it was not in a run down location and was in the centre of a city, making the threat seem more realistic.

  • Our main subversion was the characters, and the way that they are presented, as usually in supernatural horror's the antagonist is a young child who has been tortured, and has returned for revenge, but within ours we used a clown, which is usually shown as a joyous character, with a female actress, to subvert the expectations that the antagonist is always a strong male, or a young child, as we thought it would be more effective to our targeted audience. 
  • The protagonist  who was a male was also subverted, as he was killed by the supernatural entity, which subverts the expectation of the male protagonist who is strong and always saves the females, as this appeared to be the same in quite a lot of supernatural horror movies that I had watched. 

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