Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Film Certificate.

Film Certificate.

From looking at the regulations of the film certificate and the different categories, we have decided that out film fits into the 12/12A Section, rather than a 15. Below is the explanation to how we have reached this decision. 

The Regulations for a 15 film are: ( Taken from the BBFC Official Website)

  • strong violence
  • frequent strong language (eg 'f***').
  • portrayals of sexual activity
  • strong verbal references to sex
  • sexual nudity
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • discriminatory language or behaviour
  • drug taking

After looking at this list of Regulations, that are included in a 15 film, I looked back and watched our film opening, to which we have none of the above Criteria, as our violence scene is broken up showing very little of the actual death scene, we have no dialogue so there is no room for swearing and no sexual references or drug taking. So our film can defiantly not be rated a  15. 

So after deciding against 15 completely, I looked up the requirements for a 12A/12. Which I felt would fit the film opening a lot more than a 15. 

The requirements for a 12 Film are: ( Taken from the BBFC Official Website)

  • Violence is present, but is not shown in detail or dwelled upon. 
  • Moderate physical and psychological threat. 

  • Action sequences and weapons may be present, but should not be glamorised. 
These were the most relevant points from the 12 rating that I think we completely comply with. The violence in our clip is present, but there is no clear detail or gore shown, which shows we meet the first criteria point, and we have also not dwelled upon this as it moves swiftly on, and only focuses on certain clips of violence for around 2 seconds, so the audience do not have time to pick up on the detail of the violence. There is a moderate physical and psychological threat, but it is not too frequent, and constant throughout the trailer.  As for the action sequences and weapons, we have included a few weapons within our montage sequence, but they are not glamorised, and are infrequent, and not dwelled upon, showing that we have stuck to the guidelines of a 12 rating, and we are not advertising weaponry to a 12 year old audience. 

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