Mise en scene/shot
- Even though the woman is much larger in this shot, I would say that the man's reflection is the dominant here. Which seems odd at first, because his reflection is almost the same colour as the background. But he is definitely the first thing my eyes go to.
- The woman in this shot is all in white, connoting innocence. But the way she is bound around her feet, legs, wrists and torso suggests that there may be something wrong with her or that she is a danger.
- The lines in this shot are all horizontal, this shows peacefulness. Maybe that the woman is not in pain, she is just resting.
- There are boxes of, what look like, medical gloves in the background. This suggests that woman is in a hospital or medical centre. Again, going back to the idea that something is wrong with her/she is ill.
- The lighting in this shot is quite blue. This makes it look quite clinical.
- There is only light on one side of the man's face, suggesting that he is unsure about something, that there are two different options in the decision that he is about to make.
- With concerns to the woman, there is no light on her head and it is making it look like her hair is part of the bed that she is on. This suggests that the danger may be around her head.
- The only sound that is in this part, is the non-diegetic 'whoosh' sound. It sounds like a gust of wind and makes us feel a little tense as it is slow and dragged out.
Mise en scene/shot
- The right light in the left of the shot is very noticeable. Red connotes danger and blood so this light could be a sign of things to come.
- Also, the red light is on a unlock system for the door. Because the light is red, we can assume that the man will not be leaving the room.
- The red light is as far away from the man as possible, showing that maybe he still has a chance.
- The lines in this shot are slightly diagonal, suggesting anxiety. This can be backed up by the look on the man's face also.
- Here, the man's shirt looks black and black can connote mystery. This would be because we do not know what is about to happen.
- The light in this shot is mainly focused behind the man. The man looks quite dark and we can just about see the features on his face.
- Though this is odd because there is enough light to make a shadow of the unlock system box.
- There is the diegetic sound of the door opening and closing.
- Behind this, there is a very quiet, non diegetic tune. It starts quite low, then changes to a twinkling sound. The twinkling sound makes us think that the connection between the man and the woman on the table is important. However, the low tune is still underneath this, making it obvious that something is not right.
This shot also shows the red light, but it is on the other side of the shot now, showing that the danger is unstoppable because it is closer to him. He now has no chance of saving himself.
Throughout this scene, there are a few extreme close up of the eyes of the two characters.
This may be because the eyes are the only thing that can give away someone's true feelings when they are trying to hide what they they really feel.
It also allows us to feel the character's pain and other emotions as we are in very close proxemics.
Also, the block of black near the corner of her eye could connote mystery or suffering. It's mysterious because it's not normal to have a blob there.
The eye to the left is the man's eye after he has kissed the woman on the bed. We know immediately that something is wrong because his whole eye looks a very deep red or black. This suggests that something is seriously wrong because, even when the lighting is bad, you should be able to see the white of the eye.
This extreme close up also shows the look of worry on the man's face, as if he knows what has happened but didn't expect it at all.
The final extreme close up that we see is, again, of the man's eye.
The blood coming from the corner shows us that something is seriously wrong because eyes aren't supposed to bleed. However, the way that it has been shaped like a tear shows that maybe the man is upset about the decision that he made and regrets it, or that he is in extreme pain. The colour from his eye has completely gone and his eye now look black. Black connotes suffering, which would link in well with the fact that he could be in a lot of pain.
- The dominant in this shot is definitely the man as he takes up most of the shot and is spread out.
- The lines are diagonal, suggesting that something is seriously wrong with the man. As the main black line gets lost with the colour of the man's shirt, it suggests that whatever is wrong is inside of the man.
- Because the man's shirt is black, it is connoting suffering and mystery. The suffering is obvious as the man is writhing around the floor in pain and the mystery is because, at first, the audience are not entirely sure what is going on.
- In this shot, the man's face is completely turned away from us, disconnecting our sympathy for him.
- There is little light on the man in this shot. This shows that maybe he isn't so innocent anymore.
- It also sets him aside from everything else that is in the room, as these other things are quite bright.
- There is a non diegetic tune playing in the background. It is slow and quite unnerving as the notes are long and fairly high. It contradicts with the scene quite a lot as I would say that the music is quite relaxing, whereas the man is going crazy.
- Also, there is the diegetic sound of the man writhing and groaning as the infection takes over him.
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