Sunday, 25 November 2012

Sources of inspiration - Gore

Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)

  • The gore in this scene comes quite late but when it does come in, it gives us a shock.
  • The first thing we see is the metal hand of the killer go straight through the body of the victim. Not only does this make us jump, due to the surprise element, it also makes us curl up slightly.
  • One noticeable thing about the gore in this scene is probably the amount of blood. There is certainly a lot more than we were probably expecting at first.
  • Also, the blood is quite dark, making the gore seem more realistic as it actually looks like blood. However, even though the blood is dark, it is still recognizably red and this is very important.
  • I think that the gore in this particular shot would be incredibly hard to recreate because, as the hand goes through the body, blood is squirted outwards. This would be difficult to do ourselves with the equipment that we will have.
  • This shot, however, would be much easier to do ourselves and still leaves an impact on the audience. 
  • The fact that the man is wearing clothes would help a lot to hide the actual injury. So the film makers would not have to worry about making it look like there was a hole in the middle of the man's chest. All that would be needed is fake blood.
  • Here, there is not a lot of blood that we can see. This is another reason why it would be a good shot to take inspiration from. Although we cannot see how much the man is hurt, we can see from his positioning that he is in a lot of pain.
  • I think that the blood coming from the man's mouth is very effective because it makes the injury seem incredibly serious as we recognize that bleeding from the mouth is quite dangerous.

  • Again, here there is little effort needed to create a huge impact with gore.
  • The only thing that we would need to be careful with is what the blood looked like, the amount would not be too difficult to control.
  • With concerns to how gory this shot is, it does not seem to be at first as there aren't pieces of the man spread all over the room. However, I think that the way the blood has been smeared across the floor and even how it is over the metal sink, really helps to scare us a little bit more.
  • The way that the blood is in a pool near the man's head also is effective because it shows how serious the situation is.
  • Making the pool of blood a lot darker than the red smears just next to it would be hard to get right because the colours would have to be exactly right to make it look real.
  • A close up of the man with blood on the floor and on his face, seen below, really makes the scene because it shows us just how much blood the man has lost.

Although I think that this is a very good scene for gore, I don't think that it would be too good to use an inspiration as the effects are quite complex and would be incredibly difficult to recreate.
However, I think that we could take some ideas from it, for example; mixing gore with a surprise element really makes the gore seem a lot more intense.

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