Saturday, 17 November 2012

Vacancy - CCTV Deconstruction.

Source of Inspiration - CCTV.

I have chosen to look further into CCTV, because I feel that this element could really enhance our trailer, and could shock the audience even more, by using a different type of medium alike many supernatural horror movies It also gives the trailer a more realistic feel, which the viewers can relate to, and can be reminded of when they see CCTV Cameras. 

Video Tapes

Mise en Scene
  • Using a video tape shows that the tape is not new, it shows that it has been there for some time, and due to the crinkled up sticker it makes us as the audience unable to see what exactly is on the tape, creating suspense and tension for us. 
  • The pile of tapes suggests to us that there is a lot of these videos, it suggests that this is not just happening singly, it is reoccurring and frequent. 
  • The hand is the only thing that is lit, even though the tapes are in a lit room, only the top one is lit partially, the rest are in darkness, which could convey what is on them and the darkness within them. 
Camera Angles/Shot
  • There is a extreme close up on the tapes, showing that there are a lot of them, and also showing that they have a important meaning within this clip. It shows them from a front on way, and follows them being put into the tape recorder, showing that we are going to be following what is on the tape, and also the storyline of the movie could be following and based around what exactly is on this tape. 
What I liked & Could use?
  • I really like the fact that the tapes are shown to be old, because at this point of time when the film was set DVD's were the most popular choice of medium to watch a film on, so the tapes give it a more haunting feel, and reinforce the fact that this has been happening for a long time.
  •  I think that we could introduce this into our own trailer as it is set in the present time, we could use a old TV and DVD player to reinforce the scare factor, which I think could really work. 

Mise En Scene
  • The main protagonist blocks full view of the TV, showing that something is clearly going to be hidden from the audience, or hidden from him.  He is the dominant in the shot as he takes up the most room, and is directly central. 
  • The flicker on the TV creates tension for the audience and builds suspense as we wait to see what is going to be revealed on the video. Also the mixture of black and white conveys darkness/death  and blankness, which could follow what is going to be shown on the video. 
  • By using a diegetic high pitched squeaking noise as the video is about to play it creates pain for the audiences ears, and is quite uncomfortable to listen to conveying to the audience that what is about to be shown could be uncomfortable to watch/listen to. 

What i Liked & Could Use?
  • I think that by using a flicker on the TV screen it makes it completely effective by already scaring the audience, and making them feel as if something is going to start jumping out at them. I also really like the high pitched noise that is used which creates discomfort for the viewers as like a pre warning about what is about to happen, and I think this could be implemented into our trailer at times of discomfort or times of intense reaction. 
  • I think both of these could be a really good thing to look deeper into, and experiment with when working on our trailer, as they could create a bit of background noise, and could create anticipation which we want from the audience. 

Mise En Scene
  • By using a shot of the room in present time, and then cutting to a CCTV version of the room, it connects the two events together, and creates a relationship between the two occurrences, showing the audience that what has happened then, may happen now. 
  • Placing everything in the same space shows strengthens the connection for the viewers and enables them to make the link between the two events. 
  • Making a contrast with lighting is important, as in the top shot, they are artificially lit, showing that there is a lot of darkness that is already surrounding them but in the bottom shot it is in daylight, which shows that even despite the time of day, location or people, this happening is inevitable. 

What I liked & Could use?
  • By having the two locations shot at two different times with the same thing happening it gives the audience an insight into the plot of the film quite quickly, giving them the ability to adjust and accept what is going to be happening. I also like the contrast of light and darkness, shown on the CCTV and the actual shot, I think that this could work well, and could create a relationship between the audience and the characters who are used within my trailer. I also think that establishing the location twice could be a good idea, which could help us create a connection between the audience and the surrounding locations. 

Mise En Scene.
  • By using the CCTV footage to show the pain of someone suffering it creates a more sinister approach, as someone is sitting by and watching this happen, with no sign of stopping it or any sign of remorse. 
  • The brown, dull colour shows the dripping and run down state of the room, showing that who ever is letting this happen has no care for the people that he is affecting, and he wants to make it as uncomfortable for them as possible. 
  • The lines within the image show that it has been filmed on a home video recorder, which we usually associate with family videos, which makes this even more sinister and disturbing for the audience as we have to sit by and watch this happen, as there is nothing that we can do to help, as we know that the characters are being watched continuously, and there is no way out for them. 
  • The shots are quite loosely framed, but as this is being recorded on a CCTV camera we know this is not to be true, we know that the characters have room to move around but they are trapped with no escape, and no way of escaping what is about to happen in the near future. 
  • The colours within these shots are quite whitewashed and dull, and could be showing that to the killer these people are nothing more than a accomplishment, that they are not humans, and are not living people, they just blend into their surroundings. It could also show that with the death of these people they just blend into the background, no one knows they are missing, and no one remotely cares enough. 
What i Liked & Could use?
I really like the way that the death is not shown in the exact place, it is shown on a recording of a recording, which reinforces the sinister feel of the scene. It also shows that who ever is behind this is still out there and is willing to sit there and watch this happen without any remorse, and it could happen countless times again, and they are less likely to get caught. It also shows the sick enjoyment that they are getting out of this, which i completely disagree with, and do not think should be used in the trailer, as this is where the audience starts to become alienated with the characters/protagonists and loose interest rapidly. 

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