Sunday, 25 November 2012

Source of Inspiration - Diegetic Sounds.

Source of Inspiration - Diegetic Sound. 

I have chosen to look at diegetic sound due to the vast range of sound that we want to include in our opening scene. I want to look at diegetic sound that is exaggerated, and stands out compared to the action, alienating and drawing attention to the action and making the audience think about what is happening. Due to their being so much sound in the surroundings of scenes, the sound is made to be hyper-realistic, which is a element which I would like to include in the film opening, to detach the audience from the opening, and make them question what it is they are watching, also creating tension and anticipation.

Starwars Lightsaber Ignition & Retraction

In this clip from all of the Star Wars films, the sound of a lightsaber is exaggerated greatly, to create and draw attention to it, and make it stand out against the background noise. To noise alienates the audience from the scene, and defines the genre as being a Sci-Fi film. The humming noise in the background creates almost a ongoing theme, showing that this is going to be prominent throughout.
 The humming noise that is shown is a sound that the audience can relate to, and is usually heard by a washing machine, which is closely linked to the machine that the sound designer chose to use, by using a sound that the audience can relate to and have heard before, it draws attention to the action. By using a hyper realistic sound it makes the action more powerful and dominant within the scene, and shows just how much power the lightsabers have within them. 
I like the exaggeration of the sound, in which shows the power of the sound, and the action. I could use this within the film opening, for example if something moves, in real life there may be a slight sound, but if i use this to exaggerate the sound by using hyper realism, then it will enable the sound to scare the audience, questioning what they are watching, and building up tension, as to why this particular action has been made to stand out against the rest of the actions, which are all at the usual sound they should be. 

Joker's Laugh. 

The jokers laugh is a piece of iconic sound effects, that has been used in many Batman films, and I have chosen it, as it is merely a hyper realistic sound that has been exageratted for horror purposes. The use of this iconic laugh has been added to create tension and anticipation from the audience, but also to scare them due to the overexagerattion. 
The use of making this laugh out of the ordinary shows a sinister approach to this laughter, and shows there is a large difference between The Joker and the audience, and that he is not a 'normal' character or person in which we as an audience can relate to. 
By the use of hyper realism, it scares the audience, as we know that this character has a ulterior motive and is not exactly as he seems, also in a horror films, this would be considered incredibly scary, in which could be incorporated into our film opening. 
I like the fact that something as simple as a laugh can be changed into something sinister, and can be incorporated into a scene, to give a darker effect, which i feel could be used within our opening scene, it could be used to scare the audience at a first glance, as they can only hear that something is there, not see it at all, which would give the more supernatural genre a scarier approach, with a added element of something sinister. 

American Physco -Buisness Card Scene

Making something ordinary sound unrealistic completely changes its purpose, and makes it stand out to the audience.  Within this clip, there is emphasis made on the business cards, as each person wants to stand out and impress the others with the business cards. By making the sound of the business cards stand out it alienates the action, by doing this we are drawn to the business cards and are giving it the attention in which the director has wanted us to give to the business card. By using a strange sound, which is created by drawing out a sword, it makes the audience wonder why this sound is being created. I think that by using this within our clip, by using the sound of something else other than what is being used, then it could draw attention to this action, without having to do so in such a complex manor. I feel that this could be a good idea to use, which could be key in creating tension and anticipation from the audience as we are going to be creating a horror film opening. This could be used as a kind of physiological influence to the audience, to confuse them, which would set the tone of the film in a good way. 

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